Refugee Series

The Syrian Refugee Series is an expressionistic reflection on the plight of those who are forced to leave their homes due to war. It is also a respect for the beauty of islamic art forms, such as Persian miniature paintings and the rich, complex middle Eastern design heritage. These works have been been in group museum shows and used as book covers and holiday cards by organizations that support Syrian refugees.


Waiting to cross treacherous waters

5’X4’ acrylic on canvas
This is the first painting in the Syrian Refugee series. It was originally a landscape. I was interested in adding people to the landscape. Standing back and looking at the painting I noticed how rough the waters were and asked myself, who would be standing by rough waters? My thoughts immediately fell on the Syrian refugees forced to face dangerous waters while crossing to Lesbos. I was so moved by the plight of these refugees and impelled to say more about my reflection on their experience. This was the beginning of the Syrian refugee series.

May angels protect you on your journey to safety

20”X16” acrylic on canvas

Using the middle Eastern theme of angels, a prayer for the safety of the refugees.


Some didn’t make it

20”X16” acrylic on canvas

The dangerous trip to Lesbos

Trip to Lesbos

3’X2’ acrylic on canvas

A depiction of the treacherous trip across the water using imagery found in Persian Miniatures.

Refugee camp at night

3’X2’ acrylic on canvas

May angels protect you on your journey to safety #2


The journey on foot with Persian miniature references.

Refugee camp #1

20”X16”  acrylic on canvas

The starkness and cramped quarters of the refugee camp.

The life jacket

2’X2’ acrylic on canvas

A Syrian Girl

2’X2’ acrylic on canvas

Into the Stars-in homage to those who didn’t make it to safety

3’X2’ acrylic on canvas

Inside the Tent

Inside the Tent

Leaving Holmes

Leaving Holmes

Refugee Camp

Refugee Camp
